Personal Milestone

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.

I know—Fridays are supposed to be about grammar. Can I skip one day? Here’s my excuse:

In April of 2011 I posted my first blog. Today’s blog is number 200. Seems like the sort of milestone that should be celebrated, so I thought maybe we could have a party. I brought some refreshments.

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In case you’re like me and don’t care for the taste of champagne, I’ve got some coffee in the kitchen. I’ll be glad to go get you a cup. I drink mine black, but I could probably scrounge up some cream and sugar. Sorry, no mocha frappe stuff. Never got into that.

When I first began blogging, I had to bribe a few family members to read my posts. I also knew next to nothing about how WordPress worked. Today I’ve got a few readers I don’t even have to bribe, and I’ve learned a tiny bit about WordPress. That’s progress, isn’t it?

Fortunately, several of the people in my writers’ group know a lot more about WordPress—okay, about the internet in general—than I do. They’ve been wonderful in helping me do things like put my book ad on my website, record a trailer and put it on the site and generally clean up stuff to make the site look more attractive.

Maybe I pimp my friends too much here, but can I lead one more cheer for Jillian Dodd, Charity Kountz and Nigel Blackwell? They’ve all three gone way beyond the call of friendship to help me with this. And Charity is patiently teaching (trying to teach?) me how to tag my blogs more effectively.

My all-time biggest readership was produced by my blog on Plagiarism last October. Some of my personal favorites are Surrounded by Help on May 30th, “DFW Writers Conference” on May 23rd, “What Makes Us Love Texas” on April 11th and “Understanding Texicans” on March 2nd. Feel free to stop and go look some of these up if you’d like.

As you all know, I published my first book, Heaven Sent, a month or so ago, available now on Kindle and soon to be available on Nook and other e-readers. As a relatively unknown author self-publishing, I expected sales to be slow at the start, and I have found that expectation to be very accurate. However, I’ll be doing a blog tour soon, and I’m hoping that will stir up a bit more interest. I’m also looking at doing a print version through CreateSpace. Hope to have that put together soon, too.

Meanwhile, I’ve finished writing Fancy, the first novella in a series set in the 1860s and 1870s. I anticipate epubbing it in September and then adding the others in the series about every two to three months.

This is all enough to keep an old man busy, but you guys make it all worthwhile. I really appreciate each and every blog reader, Twitter follower and Facebook friend. This party’s for you, so dig into the refreshments and have a good time.


For more information about David N. Walker, click the “About” tag above. For more information about his book, click the “Heaven Sent” tag above.

Contact him at or tweet him at @davidnwalkertx

About David N. Walker

David N. Walker is a Christian husband, father and grandfather, a grounded pilot and a near-scratch golfer who had to give up the game because of shoulder problems. A graduate of Duke University, he spent 42 years in the health insurance industry, during which time he traveled much of the United States. He started writing about 20 years ago and has been a member and leader in several writers' groups. Christianity 101: The Simplified Christian Life, the devotional Heaven Sent and the novella series, Fancy, are now available in paperback and in Kindle and Nook formats, as well as through Smashwords and Kobo. See information about both of these by clicking "Books" above.
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38 Responses to Personal Milestone

  1. Pingback: Milestone: 100 Followers!!! « Being a Beautiful Mess

  2. Julie Glover says:

    Woo-hoo! Congrats. I don’t drink coffee or champagne, but I’ll happily help you eat the ice cream. 🙂


  3. Pingback: Tall Tale Tuesday: Let’s Go To The Movies! « Ellie Ann

  4. denisedyoung says:

    Congrats on your 200th blog post and on publishing your book Heaven Sent! Those are two major milestones. 🙂


  5. Cheers! 200 posts is a great milestone and you’ve done a wonderful job with your blog. And I’ll have coffee please, Black with just a little bit of water to cool it down. Congrats!


  6. David – I’d like to borrow your friends for a couple days on the WordPress issues. Look for your review of Heaven Sent this week!


  7. Jenny Hansen says:

    Congratulations, David!! So glad you’re celebrating your milestones. 🙂


  8. Marcia says:

    Congrats, David! What a year you’ve had! A lot of ups and few downs, but nothing you couldn’t handle with grace. You’ve learned a ton of information and have a book published! Yahoo! Who says you’re old? Old people don’t usually do as much as you’ve done! No more ‘old’ talk. Wishing you an even better year ahead, David!


    • Thanks, Marcia. I think the “old” talk may be a defense mechanism – to make people say, “Well, he does pretty well for someone his age.” It’s nothing that bothers me, though. I enjoy blazing the trail for you “youngsters.”


  9. Congrats and thanks for hosting the party. I sort of felt like a party today!


  10. Congrats on 200! That’s a lot of blogging. I’m sure the next 200 will be a breeze, right? 🙂



  11. Good party, David! Congratulations on yet another milestone. You are having quite the year!


  12. A great reason to celebrate. Best of luck with the pending blog tours and promos!


  13. Congrats on post #200 – you’re right that’s quite a milestone! I wish I was there… good work!


  14. Congratulations, David!!! 🙂


  15. Barbara Estinson says:

    You deserve this party, David! You’ve come a long way, Baby, since you started your blog. the cake and ice cream look good… .and hey, is the coffee fresh? I’m excited that you have finished Fancy while achieving all the other things. Kudos!


    • Thanks, Barb. Cake & ice cream remind me of Bill’s first birthday party with chocolate all over him, his high chair, the walls – I think there was even some on the ceiling.


  16. JM Randolph says:

    Congratulations on 200 posts! I brought my own coffee this morning; it goes well with your cake.


  17. Karlene says:

    Congratulations!!! 200 is awesome. There is nothing you can’t do. If you think there are limitations in life… just meet this lady.

    I don’t often do this… post a link to my blog. But I know you and your readers will send prayers, love, and support for Jessica. This is the reason we blog… to create an avenue to share beautiful stories. Not necessarily our books. But stories of inspiration. This is one of them.

    Good luck on compounding that 200!


  18. Congratulations, David! I know I’ve been remiss in visiting lately. If it’s any comfort, I have generally been a Social Media Slug since I committed to getting my WIP ready for entry in The Golden Heart.

    Bonus! I’m on a 30 day (plus, plus, plus…) road trip.

    My husband (1) tells me how hot it is in Texas, (2) envies the fact that I need sweatshirts in the mornings in both Pennsylvania and Canada, and (3) wonders why I haven’t yet committed to a return date. “Yes, hon. I’m coming home. I’m just not certain about the date.”

    Keep those blogs coming and enjoy your milestone party. (I take my coffee black and tote my own Tazo Zen Iced Green Tea, so I’ll be a low maintenance party guest.)


  19. Congratulations on making it to 200! Here’s to 200 more!


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