
David N. Walker

David N. Walker is a Christian husband, father and grandfather, a grounded pilot, a would-be Nashville star, and a near-scratch golfer who had to give up the game because of shoulder problems. A graduate of Duke University, he spent 42 years as a health insurance agent. Most of that career was spent in Texas, but for a few years he traveled many other states.

He started writing about 20 years ago and has been a member and leader in several writers’ groups. His books, the devotional Heaven Sent and the novella series Fancy, are now available in paperback and in Kindle and Nook formats. See information about both of these by clicking “Books” above.

David finished working on the Fancy series of novellas starting off early in the Civil War and following her life over a period of the next twenty years or so. He is now working on volume two of his new series Ruth. Volume one should be published in November, 2013.

David is an inveterate traveler and has visited all fifty states, plus seven provinces and one territory in Canada. He and his wife are hoping to see a couple more Canadian provinces this next summer and maybe connect with some blogger friends in the process.

David and his wife also love cruising. On their most recent cruise, to Hawaii, he won the ship’s karaoke contest. Long range plans include a cruise around Australia and New Zealand.

Although he probably won’t ever revive his flying days or his golf game, he does frequently dream of getting back onto a ski slope. Never an expert skier, David loves to ski green and blue slopes and would love to get back after a hiatus of some years. He loves Crested Butte, Colorado, and hopes to get back up there at least one more time.

9 Responses to About

  1. John Atieno says:

    Hello Dave
    Calvary greetings from Kisumu Kenya in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus.I have visited your website and im highly pleased.I am delighted to invite you to Kisumu ,Kenya East Africa to hold Crusade, pastors seminar and outreach to the prison inmates at a date ok to your schedule . Over ninety percent of pastors here have never been to any formal bible school and therefore this four day conference will be a bible school to them. We are a church ministry,evangelistic in purpose.We reach out with the glorious gospel of Jesus to remote areas as well as urban set ups evangelizing and discipling people.We also plant churches.The burden is also upon us to demonstrate Christ’s love by helping and supporting orphans and widows. We are based in the lively lake shore- Lake Victoria. When you come you will conduct church leaders seminar from 8.00am to 1.00pm After which pastors will go for lunch and then join you at the crusade ground at 4.00pm.The crusade will commence from as 4.00pm to 7.00pm everyday for 4 days.We believe that many souls will be added to the kingdom. We are also ready,if you are interested to take you to different schools to preach to the students in government schools.We are in network with over 500 public schools in Kenya.We would also request for partnership to enable us give Bible’s to those that have never had Bible’s in their entire life because of cost.We look forward to your timely response. In Christ, PASTOR JOHN ATIENO RIVER OF LIFE MINISTRY PO BOX 19070 KISUMU KENYA http://riveroflifeministry.or.ke/ P.S Please pastor kindly help us to feed the orphans in our orphanage. We shall be very grateful. We have reference in States that can attest to our genuinity.


  2. Sandy Dodge says:

    Thanks for joining me on FB. FYI I am a Christian wife, mother, and grandmother still working as a children’s therapist. I do some inner healing prayer work also. I’m writing and illustrating books for kids. Sandy Dodge


  3. gpcox says:

    I saw your Gravatar image on Sheri DeGrom’s site and thought I’d say hello.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. lily apple says:

    I love your site . I found you via Catie Rhodes and enjoy her blog and writing a great deal .
    Your interest and comments on the murders in West Memphis case and the men being freed via the Alford Plea really interested me . There is a site called West Memphis Three Facts and the same named Facebook Site provides a ton of information on the flip side pointing towards guilt . It has been very very helpful in clearing up false information and other issues put out by the heavily biases documentaries .
    I want them to be innocent but …. put it this way I do have true inside information and other insight that was not put out by the police . I never bought the whole devil worship angle . If you ever want to converse privately about the case (doing it openly gets ugly due to fans ) my email is theazzurri2014@gmail.com . I enjoy hearing others opinions and sharing updates .


  5. Hi David,
    Would you be willing to participate in something we are doing for Susie Lindau on Friday morning? I am contacting as many of her followers as possible. My thought is that we all post on our own blogs on Friday with the same title, “Susie Strong”. The content would say something simple like, We are thinking of you. I haven’t known Susie for long but this blogging world is such a family. I thought it would be nice for her to see this message from as many of us as possible. Her husband is going to be updating us after her surgery. He can tell her or she can see it once she is up to it. Are you in? Thanks, Maria aka brickhousechick


  6. demonsking19 says:

    Nice about me. Hey Follow me back at twitter


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