Accepting Salvation

The concept of grace seems so difficult for people to accept. So often, we believe in heaven and hell, but we think heaven is something we need to earn.

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I used to be one of those people. A young lady who worked for me would witness to me, and I would tell her I wasn’t as bad as most people and I was sure I’d make it to heaven. Fortunately, I was persuaded that’s not how it works.

The plain and simple fact is that we are all born sinners. From Adam right up to the present day, every human being born has been a sinner—except for Jesus Christ.

God is perfect, and His righteousness doesn’t allow Him to be in the presence of sin. But He’s also a God of grace and mercy. He wants to gather His children around Himself, to fellowship with them as any father would with his children, but His perfect righteousness cannot allow sinful man in His presence.

This is why He sent His Son to be born of a woman—to be the God-man. He needed someone without sin to substitute Himself and take upon Himself all the sins of every man, woman and child who ever lived or would ever live. By sacrificing Himself on the cross and being resurrected from the grave, Jesus triumphed over death and paid the price for my sins and yours.

That one sacrifice that one time was sufficient to cover the sins of all who would accept it. You and I don’t have to do anything to pay for our sins. That bill has already been paid. All we have to do is accept that payment as our salvation.

Many years ago by myself in a cabin at Lake Murray, Oklahoma, I finally reckoned on the truth of my secretary’s witnessing—along with witnessing from several other people—and knelt on the floor beside my bed. I confessed to God that I realized I was a sinner and that I couldn’t save myself. I asked Jesus to come into my heart and take over my life, and I’ve never been the same since.

I did nothing to gain my salvation except submit myself to Him in that prayer. I couldn’t then and can’t now do anything on my own to earn or lose that salvation. It was and is the free gift of God’s grace.

If you’ve never done that, please examine your life honestly and realize that you can’t live right, that you can’t be good, that you can’t be acceptable to God on your own. Quit trying to earn your salvation. Just submit yourself to Him so He can give it to you.

If you do this, find other Christians to associate with, whether in a church or Sunday School class or just one on one. Begin to spend time in the Bible to learn more about this wonderful God of ours. His Holy Spirit can help you understand what you read, and you can come to know Him better and better.

Beyond this, don’t let anyone start piling “oughts” onto you. You ought to do this, and you ought not to do that. That’s legalism, and you don’t want any part of it.

Being a Christian is not a burden weighing you down with rules and regulations. Being a Christian is freedom from those burdens. Accept that freedom and rejoice in it.

Do you have anything you want to share about your own salvation experience? I love to read your comments.


If you abide in Me and My word abides in you, then you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.



For more information about David N. Walker, click the “About” tab above.

For more information about his books, click on “Books” above.

Contact him at dnwalkertx (at) gmail (dot) com or tweet him at @davidnwalkertx.

About David N. Walker

David N. Walker is a Christian husband, father and grandfather, a grounded pilot and a near-scratch golfer who had to give up the game because of shoulder problems. A graduate of Duke University, he spent 42 years in the health insurance industry, during which time he traveled much of the United States. He started writing about 20 years ago and has been a member and leader in several writers' groups. Christianity 101: The Simplified Christian Life, the devotional Heaven Sent and the novella series, Fancy, are now available in paperback and in Kindle and Nook formats, as well as through Smashwords and Kobo. See information about both of these by clicking "Books" above.
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9 Responses to Accepting Salvation

  1. Raani York says:

    Hello there.
    I have nominated you for the Shauny Award for Blogging Excellence. I love this blog and I hope you will enjoy accepting the Award and passing it on.
    You deserve it!


  2. Don sneed says:


    Thank you for sharing your testimony with us. I too was one who sought justification in God’s sight by my good works. But God used a converted Jew to open my eyes to.the Marvelous truth of John 3:16. I first heard that verse from the Pastor of a Congregational Church in Salt Lake City,Utah when I was about 13-14 yrs. old. Later on God used a Messianic Jew to bring to me the Truth of my utter hopelessness and His willingness to give me what I could never earn. As a brand new Christian I learned a little chorus:

    Oh what a Wonder, That Jesus found me! Out in the darkness No light could I see.

    Oh what a Wonder! He put His great Arm under, And Wonder of Wonders He saved even me!!

    Love in Him,

    Don Sneed

    Sent from my iPad


  3. Sharon K. Walker says:

    This is a most beautiful message about the most wonderful gift God’s given us: the sacrifice of His son to ensure our salvation.


  4. Sherry Isaac says:

    I find it comforting to know we can not be saved by our good works, because if that were the case, who among us would ever be admitted to heaven? I fumble, I make mistakes, I am capable of resentment and my tongue should come with a Governor-General warning label: Zingers-R-Us. How lost I would be if left to my own devices. We love in response to being loved, forgive in response to being forgiven, are merciful in response to God’s mercy. Thanks, David. It’s good to be reminded.


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