Pray for Me

Pray for me—or wish me luck if you prefer. I’m a confirmed comfort zone-dweller, but I’m being forced out of that zone. I know—I should embrace moving out of my comfort zone, but I’m a crotchety old man.

With my latest release, I have nine books on the market—seven historical novellas and two Christian nonfictions. The first ones have been on the market for over two years, but I have yet to receive royalty amounts of even three digits unless you count the cents.

Two members of my writers group—Charity Kountz and Robert Starrett—are determined to change that fact. They want to take me by the hand and lead me into promoting my books effectively. Of course, I should be doing that. They are right that whatever I’ve been doing (next to nothing) is not working. I should welcome their assistance and not-so-gentle pushing, but it’s kinda scary.

Robert is a truck driver, and he listens to audiobooks all the time as he drives. He keeps telling me I need to put my books out in this format. He says long-distance drivers and commuters alike use audiobooks to pass the time as they drive or ride commuter trains. He’s convinced I’m missing a major market by not making my books available this way.

He and Charity have both started talking to me about doing podcasts as a way of promoting the books. Now that may sound reasonable and natural to you, but you have to remember that Henry Ford was still working on the Model T when I was born. Well, almost.

I don’t even know what a podcast is, much less how to do one. They both explained it to me, but their explanations were in Greek. I went online and asked Mr. Google what they were, and his explanation was in Chinese.

Now, I do know what an audiobook is. I’ve never listened to one, but they’re not a total mystery to me. How to make one is, however. I’m sure there is downloadable software to use to make an audiobook, and there’s undoubtedly a company or two that will distribute them, sorta like CreateSpace does for paperbacks. But I still feel totally lost thinking about getting into this.

Of course, I felt somewhat that way two and a half years ago when I decided to e-publish Heaven Sent and then again when I decided to do a paperback version through CreateSpace. But this feels different and scarier.

Since Charity and Robert are behind this push, I’m going to make them wish they had never brought it up. I’m going to bug Charity—maybe even camp on her doorstep—until she sees me through both projects. Fortunately, she’s always been more than willing to help with things that challenge my 17th century brain.

All of which takes us back to my opening plea: pray for me—or wish me luck.

What do you know about podcasts and audiobooks? How have you used these two tools?


We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.


For more information about David N. Walker, click the “About” tab above.

For more information about his books, click on “Books” above.

Contact him at dnwalkertx (at) gmail (dot) com or tweet him at @davidnwalkertx.

About David N. Walker

David N. Walker is a Christian husband, father and grandfather, a grounded pilot and a near-scratch golfer who had to give up the game because of shoulder problems. A graduate of Duke University, he spent 42 years in the health insurance industry, during which time he traveled much of the United States. He started writing about 20 years ago and has been a member and leader in several writers' groups. Christianity 101: The Simplified Christian Life, the devotional Heaven Sent and the novella series, Fancy, are now available in paperback and in Kindle and Nook formats, as well as through Smashwords and Kobo. See information about both of these by clicking "Books" above.
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18 Responses to Pray for Me

  1. Jane Merrick says:

    David, I can empathize with you because I know I nothing about this either. I hope it goes well for you. Love, Jane


  2. I’ll do both. Pray for you AND wish you luck. I always pray for my friends’ success and happiness. Sometimes the whole thing can seem kinda scary, especially the jumping out of our comfort zones part, but sometimes that’s where the biggest break throughs and rewards are. All the best…but you already knew I wished that for you.


  3. Donald Sneed says:

    Dear David, My son Daniel has spent many hours listening to audiobook messages as he commutes daily to and from his office, Undoubtedly there is a huge audience out there, But whether David Walker should venture into this is certainly a matter of earnest prayer, and I will pray with you on it, Blessings, D.S. Sent from my iPad


  4. Suzanne Burnes says:

    I hope to do continue to learn and expand. I will be pray8ing for your wisdom and courage on this subject., You can do all things through Christ. If it is HIs well doors will open., Keep praying. Maybe this is your door opening now. Love you


  5. Barb Estinson says:

    Hey Bro, I am with your friends who are pushing you out of the 17th century. I LOVE audiobooks. With my eyesight being not so great any longer, most of the reading I do is with my ears. Now I don’t know what a podcast is either, but I bet that your friends can guide you. Go for it!


  6. Audio books would be great for truck drivers. My brother is a truck driver and he would probably really appreciate them. Of course getting them turned into audio books is costly, I hear. If it weren’t, mine would already be available in audio. If you can afford it, go for it. Already you have 2 audiences. Truckers and the vision impaired.


  7. Sharon K. Walker says:

    I’m praying for you. Get out of your comfort zone and publicize your well worth reading books.


  8. Pushing books feels like it consumes your world. Not much time for anything else.


    • Thanks, Shirley. That’s one reason I haven’t done all that much so far. I’m all for contributing some of my time to promoting – if I can figure out how – but I’m not willing to devote my life to it.


  9. Yes, David. I’ll pray for you. That’s all the help I can offer because even Facebook intimidates me. No worries! I’m certain He will bring you more help via Charity than I could. My knowledge of Podcasts is exhausted once I spell it correctly.

    I had no clue you’d been so prolific since those long-gone days when I schlepped several times to West Fort Worth for the writer’s group. Shame on me for not visiting more often. That said, had this post not been about promoting your varied works, I would have left the site without knowing.

    I see many sidebars with covers of the owner’s published works displayed in the side bar. One click on the cover and I’m off to The Amazon. It’s impossible to miss BUY opportunities when I see covers to the right. I took time on this visit to more closely examine your site — something I don’t often do when making morning blog visits.

    You might consider getting more IN OUR FACES with those book covers. Just a thought.

    Off now to click on BOOKS!


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